Siirry sisältöön


Who we work with

We invest globally across developing economies, where we partner with local financial institutions and climate-focused companies. Our focus is purposefully on developing economies, as that is where we know we can make the biggest possible impact in the shortest possible time, together.

Get in touch with us for identifying the best opportunities for you, no matter where you are in your climate transition journey. We have a solid track record of enabling our partners to become pioneers in their market.

Financial Institutions

Whether you are a Tier I or Tier II Bank, a Microfinance Institution, or something completely different, we support you in opening up new commercial opportunities by integrating environmental and climate-positive aspects into your business models.

With a focus on speed, expertise, and a personal touch, we help you to stand out from others and succeed in the competitive market.

To ensure long-lasting results, we connect you with global, regional, and local networks, and provide assistance and training to build knowledge, skills, and confidence for climate financing.

In financial terms we offer:

  • Dedicated funding in the form of senior or subordinated debt
  • Mid to long-term financing
  • Total facilities usually amounting to USD 10 million – USD 30 million, with flexible funding schedules
  • Financing of up to 49.9% of tier 1 capital and/or up to 25% of total assets

Climate-Focused Companies

We work with climate-focused companies that have a viable business model, are catalytic in their space, and have an existing track-record in project development related to climate solutions. We provide direct financing with a focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, as well as other sectors that can have a significant climate-positive impact.

When you have the right approach, we believe in you and provide funding–even if what you do is new in your market. With us, you find the means to grow as well as create a reliable path for further funding in the future.

In financial terms we offer:

  • Direct funding primarily in the form of senior debt
  • Maturities of up to 15 years
  • Typical deal size of between USD 5 million and USD 15 million


From transactional to transformational

We are much more than a green lender. Our real work starts after we decide to invest–with supporting, facilitating and catalysing your whole transformation process.


From capacity-building to peer-learning

We work closely with you the whole way, from capacity-building to exchanging best practices with partners from our global network.