Siirry sisältöön


From transactional to transformational

We are much more than a green lender. For us, financing is a means to an end. It makes a change in local economies and lives. That’s why our real work only starts after we decide to invest–with supporting, facilitating and catalysing your whole transformation process.

That’s also why we’re not interested in quick returns. We are in it for the long haul, truly invested in enabling the most transformational solutions possible, together. Get in touch with us to see what it takes to get you started on your journey.

We believe in the power of partnerships and collaboration

Whether you have some experience or are just getting started, we accompany you closely on your climate finance journey.

We prioritise building strong, close, long-term relationships with you–our global community of partners. We see our ole as a trusted advisor and your companion for change.

Since 2009, we’ve provided catalytic investments to scale up projects and create proof of concepts for transformative change. We aim to enable you to attract and mobilise additional capital from other investors in order to scale climate solutions in your own markets for decades to come.

Achieving sustainable success requires developing local projects and ecosystems with long-term commercial viability. Our approach is to support you in building climate-positive business models, with comprehensive capacity-building, exchanging peer-to-peer knowledge across different markets, and skills-development by providing tailored advisory expertise throughout the lifecycle of each investment.

Our impact can only be driven by a highly capable team. This is why we are continuously improving and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Our rigorous carbon accounting methodology, high standards, and accountability ensure we deliver added value and measurable impact.


From capacity-building to peer-learning

We work closely with you the whole way, from capacity-building to exchanging best practices with partners from our global network.


Who we work with

We work with financial institutions and climate-focused companies in developing economies. Let’s create the biggest possible impact in the shortest possible time, together.